The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the UN Global Compact will renew sustainability reporting collaboration for three years with a focus on supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The partners say as the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative (UN Global Compact) and the issuers of the most widely used sustainability reporting standards globally (GRI), the two organizations can play a major role in shaping private sector contributions towards sustainable development and the SDGs.
“Together we can help companies measure and report on their efforts around the new Sustainable Development Goals, in ways that both show impact and are aligned with emerging best reporting practices,” explained Lise Kingo, executive director of the UN Global Compact.
To further SDG Goal 17 on a global partnership towards sustainable development, the UN Global Compact and GRI have committed to facilitating the alignment between responsible business practices and the SDGs. The organizations will provide their respective business networks with guidance and frameworks, such as the SDG Compass, to advance, report and communicate private sector contributions to the SDGs.
They will also participate in the High Level Political Forum at the United Nations.
The GRI-UN Global Compact announcement follows GRI’s launch of a technology initiative that aims to address key challenges in sustainability reporting: the lack of structured data and the lack of demand for digital reporting.
Announced last week, the new Digital Reporting Alliance will create the technical infrastructure for digital reporting by promoting an eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL) taxonomy — for tagging sustainability data in reports — and a platform for filing digital reports, GRI says.
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