Green Seal's New Program Recognizes Leading Eco-Friendly Firms


green_seal.jpgGreen Seal, a 20-year-old organization that awards its Green Seal of approval to environmentally responsible products and services, announced it is establishing a Laureate Program (PDF) to recognize companies for their leadership in meeting eco-friendly standards.

The program will offer three levels of Green Seal certification: bronze, silver and gold. Companies' environmental efforts and impacts will be evaluated on a life cycle base and focus on areas such as energy use, air and water impacts, waste, and toxic chemicals.

Green Seal said it is launching a new program because “it’s time to recognize and grow the most sustainable companies in the US. In an economy where green is the new buzz word, misleading claims (greenwashing) are not only discouraging for customers but dangerous for brand integrity. Solid proof of sustainability is key.”

Environment + Energy Leader