The Green Button Alliance (GBA) has been formed to advance the Green Button initiative and will facilitate standards-based application development, administer certification and testing programs and create awareness among consumers to accelerate adoption of the Green Button standard.
Founding members of the Green Button Alliance include London Hydro, Schneider Electric, UL, the Department of Energy (DOE), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the UCA International Users Group. Building upon existing Green Button initiatives, the Green Button Alliance will unite industry thought leaders in order to more-rapidly deliver the benefits of standardized Green Button technologies to consumers.
The White House-inspired Green Button initiative was created in 2011 with the support of NIST, DOE and the Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP). The Green Button Alliance is committed to providing customers with easy, standardized access to their energy information, which will ultimately enable them to identify ways to better manage their utility consumption to save money and resources. Today, about 60 million energy customers with smart meters have access to their own energy data in a standardized format.
The Green Button Alliance will facilitate the development of standards-based applications that will drive the widespread industry adoption of the Green Button Download My Data and Connect My Data standards. By using Green Button Connect My Data, customers can securely provide authorized third-party service providers with their electric usage information to enable them to make informed decisions about their energy consumption.
Green Button standards are based on the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) Energy Services Provider Interface (ESPI) standard.
Green Button Alliance membership is open to electric, gas and water utilities, hardware and software providers, government agencies, technology integrators and other industry stakeholders.