Green Bank Open for Business


citybanksThe New York Green Bank is now accepting proposals from companies looking for cleantech funding and ways to finance other environmental technologies.

The state says it is the largest such bank in the US and is seeking proposals from private sector lenders, investors and industry participants to finance creditworthy clean-energy projects in New York.

Eligible proposers include energy service companies, developers, equipment manufacturers or others that provide equipment, materials and/or services related to cleantech and energy efficiency projects along with financial institutions or other third-party capital providers that are financing, or intending to finance, such projects.

Last December the state set the initial capitalization of $210 million for the NY Green Bank.

In June 2013, some 22 US investment firms with about $240 billion in assets under management signed the Climate Declaration, calling upon federal policymakers to address climate change as an economic opportunity.

Environment + Energy Leader