IT stalwarts like Google, Microsoft and IBM would profit by stepping up the pressure on the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to modify its climate change stance, according to the Greenpeace Cool IT leaderboard.
Because the IT industry and its products would be central to greenhouse gas reduction efforts, Greenpeace says major IT companies should be pressuring Congress, world climate leaders and the Chamber of Commerce, according to a press release.
“Apple’s recent bold move to leave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce over its obstruction of government efforts to address climate change contrasts strongly with its competitors Google, Microsoft and IBM’s relative inaction at this crucial juncture for our climate,” said Casey Harrell, Greenpeace International's IT industry analyst. “IT companies can and should publicly and demonstratively call for a change in the Chamber's position on climate or leave the Chamber altogether.”
In the new leaderboard, Greenpeace puts special emphasis on a company's clear support for strong emissions reductions, as well as what a company is doing in terms of measurable, economy-wide climate solutions, plus the company's internal emissions reductions efforts.
No IT company scores well on the leaderboard. IBM and HP lead the rankings at 43 and 42, respectively, out of a score of 100. Fujitsu and Google both follow at 33, while Cisco is 31, Intel is 28 and Dell and Microsoft hit a 23.