Three of Glen Raven’s US facilities send zero waste to landfills, and the performance fabric company is “locking the dumpster” at a fourth location this month, Industry Week reports.
Randy Blackston, vice president of operations at Glen Raven Custom Fabrics, a business unit of the parent company, also tells the magazine that a new facility in a structure currently being renovated will begin operations as a zero waste to landfill location.
Glen Raven has reduced waste through several initiatives including:
The latest EL Insights report covers companies’ push towards zero waste and zero-waste-to-landfill, and includes the following brands and organizations: General Motors, Kraft, Hasbro, Supervalu, Clorox, PepsiCo, US Postal Service, Ford, London 2012 Olympics, City of San Francisco, Kimberly-Clark, Fruit of the Loom, Sonoco, Hershey, Boeing, Waitrose, Scotts Miracle Gro, SCA, Caterpillar, EPA, UL Environment, Zero Waste International Alliance, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Honda of America and DuPont Building Innovations.