GE Wins Nuclear Power Plant Outage Services Work


GE nuclear technologyMichigan-based DTE Energy has awarded outage services work to General Electric Power & Water through GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) and GE Power Generation Services (PGS) for the utility’s Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant.

GEH will provide a host of outage and inspection services related to the boiling water nuclear reactor at the Fermi 2 plant in Newport, Michigan, while PGS will provide inspection and maintenance services to the main generator and six turbine valves. The services will be provided during an outage this fall.

Fermi 2 is a 1,170-MW boiling water reactor that has been operating since 1988. The reactor has the capacity to provide clean, carbon-free electricity to more than 1 million homes. Global Nuclear Fuel, a GE-led joint venture, has provided fuel to the plant since the initial core load.

Earlier this month a Beijing power plant selected GE Power Generation Services to help a reduce its emissions and boost efficiency.


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