Fuel Prices, Drought Prompting Builders to Seek Green Building Certification


Volatile fuel prices, prolonged droughts and climate change are prompting increasing numbers of home builders to seek green building certifications, reports Builder magazine.

The overall number of Builder 100 respondents — the top 100 builders in the US — that report they meet green building standards such as LEED for Homes and Energy Star grew from 110 builders in 2012 to 149 last year.

The magazine says topping its list of Top 10 Green Builders was Fulton Homes, which built all of its 376 homes to LEED, Energy Star, and a regional green building program — making it the only builder to do so. Savvy Homes built 100 percent of its homes to a regional certification program, 100 percent to LEED, and 50 percent to Energy Star; while The Warmington Group built 100 percent to regional, 100 percent to Energy Star, and 50 percent to LEED.

The global green building market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 13 percent during 2015-2020, according to a February report from Research and Markets.






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