Dear Reader,
I want to hear from you.
Forgive me for stating the obvious, but the coronavirus pandemic has had a profound effect on the way we conduct business. Whether a company has been forced to shut down altogether or to navigate other unprecedented changes, environmental and energy management is just one area that is being affected - and companies have been forced to change with the times.
While some, like electric and gas utilities, have been preparing for situations like this for a decade or more, other industries find their emergency planning falls far short. The agricultural industry is expecting to be hit hard, for example, because their sales outlets have changed drastically. With restaurants, schools and corporate cafeterias being shut down, farmers must be able to quickly shift their sales to other outlets such as grocery stores, putting a massive kink in existing supply chains, points out Ben Feldman of the Farmers Market Coalition (via National Geographic). The solar industry is expecting major disruptions, as well, with corporate renewable energy demand expected to drop off in coming months.
Meanwhile, sustainable, responsible and impactful investing is expecting to see a surge over the next 12 months, due to fallout from the coronavirus pandemic.
All of this leads me to wonder how you’re faring, and how you expect to be affected in the next year and beyond. I’d love to hear how you’re managing your environmental and energy management initiatives so I can share your tactics with others.
I’m interested in two things:
Please email me at Soon I’ll begin updating you on how your peers are handling the situation and what experts like you are predicting for the days ahead.
I hope you and your loved ones are safe and I look forward to hearing from you.
Jennifer Hermes Nastu
Content Director