There are "serious deficiencies" in the disclosure practices of, a widely used website that allows companies to voluntarily disclose the chemicals they use in the process of natural gas drilling known as hydraulic fracturing, according to a study by the Harvard Environmental Law Program’s Policy Initiative.
Currently, 18 states require some amount of fracturing chemicals disclosure. Of those, 11 direct or allow companies to report chemical use on FracFocus. The report, titled Legal Fractures in Chemical Disclosure Laws, found that the dependence on FracFocus as a regulatory compliance tool is either "misplaced or premature."
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, involves injecting a large volume of fluid, which is usually water-based, into a well at high pressure, to fracture rock. The practice is used to extract oil and gas from large shale formations across the United States. Chemicals represent a small fraction of the fracturing fluid; however, given that millions of gallons of fracturing fluid may be injected into each well, the fluid may contain thousands of gallons of chemicals, Harvard says.
FracFocus was created two years ago this April in response to public concerns about the chemicals used in the fracking process. Industry worked with the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission and the Groundwater Protection Council to create the voluntary registry. However, FracFocus is not a regulatory body, nor does it verify the information submitted by producers and suppliers, Harvard says.
Among the numerous areas of public disclosure deficiencies from relying on FracFocus are:
However, according to a report on conservative media site, Harvard professor and former aide to President Bill Clinton Jeffrey Frankel has claimed that fracking is the main reason for the 12 percent drop in US greenhouse gasses. Frankel has dismissed other possible explanations for the emissions decline such as lower economic activity and the Kyoto Protocol as, he says, the US's GDP is still relatively high and the country never adopted Kyoto, Newsmax reports.
Have you used FracFocus for either disclosure or research? How do you rate the service? Please tell us in the comments section below.