Foster's is offsetting all of the carbon emissions of its new lager, Cascade Green.The company says that the lager is brewed at the Cascade Brewery from locally produced ingredients. Packaging has been designed to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, using the lightest weight, highest recycled content glass bottle currently available in Australia. The 100 percent recycled carton has been printed with two-coloor biodegradable vegetable inks.
Cascade Green has initially purchased certified carbon offsets for the Hobart Landfill Flare Facility, approved under the GFP and developed by AGL Energy Services, and will continue to purchase offsets on an ongoing basis.
The launch is being backed by a $1m carbon neutral advertising campaign including ads in G magazine and Men’s Health, B&T reports (via Greenbang). It also includes outdoor, ambient media and a microsite. The target demographic are 30 to 50 year olds who are well read and environmentally aware.
Last year, Foster's began generating energy from brewery waste water by using sugar-consuming bacteria.