Food Lion Switches to Sustainable Seafood


seafoodFood Lion has implemented a sustainable seafood policy that covers approximately 1,000 fresh, frozen, canned or packaged products sold across the store.

Under Food Lion's seafood sustainability policy:

  • Food Lion's suppliers will provide full traceability back to the source fishery or seafood farm for seafood products sold.
  • Wild-caught seafood will come from source fisheries that are governed by credible, enforceable and science-based management plans that respect the amount of harvest to ensure seafood populations will continue to be healthy in the future.
  • Farm-raised seafood is certified and reviewed to ensure that production does not harm communities, workers, the environment or human health.
  • The Gulf of Maine Research Institute will confirm fisheries that supply seafood are responsibly managed.
  • Monitoring and compliance measures are in place to ensure harvest levels are maintained within appropriate limits.

Photo: nanotaken Flickr photostream

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