Flextronics Manufactures Energy Storage for Green Charge


Green Charge energy manageGreen Charge Networks has created a manufacturing partnership with Flextronics, wherein Flextronics will provide “on-demand” manufacturing of Green Charge’s GreenStation energy storage system.

Flextronics will manufacture GreenStation at Green Charge’s customer innovation center in Milpitas, Calif.

The systems will be built for customers as they are ordered. Green Charge Co-founder and CEO Vic Shao referred to it as “just-in-time manufacturing” and added that “energy storage is moving at a rapid pace and on-demand allows Green Charge to respond to market conditions.”

California’s investor-owned utilities are seeking to deploy energy storage at an accelerated rate. That includes energy storage capacity installed “behind the meter” on-site at commercial and industrial companies.

For example, in November 2014, Southern California Edison signed contracts for 261 MW of energy storage from five energy storage firms: Stem, NRG Energy, Ice Energy Holdings, Advanced Microgrid Solutions and AES Energy Storage.

Green Charge wouldn’t say whether it submitted a bid in Southern California Edison’s RFP, but Shao, said, “We can say this is a continuous process.”

Environment + Energy Leader