Constellation has been awarded a contract by the Federal Bureau of Prisons to implement $45 million in water and energy conservation measures and install a 2 MW solar generation project at the Federal Correctional Complex in Coleman, Fla.
Under the terms of the energy savings performance contract (ESPC), the conservation measures are guaranteed to provide about $79 million in cost savings to the bureau over 19 years. The bureau will use the resulting savings to fund the efficiency upgrades and solar project.
The efficiency measures implemented at FCC Coleman are expected to result in total energy intensity reduction of 35 percent and water intensity reduction of 50 percent. The upgrades are designed to enable FCC Coleman to conserve an estimated 18 million kWh of electricity and 194 million gallons of water annually.
FCC Coleman is comprised of five facilities and includes more than 2.4 million square feet of building area, housing over 7,400 inmates. The conservation measures installed by Constellation include: LED lighting, building automation controls, chiller plant optimization, cooling tower upgrades, hot water heating system upgrades, high efficiency transformers, low-flow toilets and faucets, refrigeration upgrades and a 2 MW solar array. Work is scheduled for completion in 2017.