Extended Producer Responsibility For Transport Packaging Picks Up Steam


The Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) is throwing its support behind Product Stewardship and Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) as it relates to transport packaging.

EPR aims to protect the environment by monitoring a product's entire lifecycle from manufacturers and retailers to users and recyclers.

EPR started to gain some ground last year in several states including California and Oregon as well as Canada with the introduction of EPR-related legislation.

RPA says in support of EPA's efforts, the Product Stewardship Institute and many state and local jurisdictions have established five Framework Principles for Product Stewardship including producer responsibility, governance of activities, financing of programs, environmental considerations as well as shared responsibilities with retail, government and consumer participants.

Last year, RPA introduced a Reusable Packaging Economic Calculator to help businesses determine the cost savings of converting to reusable packaging from single-use corrugated packaging.

Environment + Energy Leader