ESG Upgrades Schools in Alabama, Illinois


ESG energy manageInfrastructure improvements in Selma (AL) City Schools will improve the learning environment and reduce utility costs by an estimated $9.3 million over a 20 year period.

The $5.9 million contract is between the city and Energy Systems Group (ESG). It includes interior and exterior lighting, energy management control systems in all buildings, occupancy sensors, water conservation upgrades, weatherization, de-stratification fans in four gyms and HVC systems at three schools, according toe ESG. The HVAC installations will include refrigerant volume systems.

The improvements will reduce the schools’ carbon footprint by about 1,600 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually, according to the company.

ESG also offered news this week about a project in Illinois. The company is working with Hoopeston Area Community Unit School District #11 on building improvements, including the installation of a photovoltaic system in the middle school, a steam boiler plant replacement and building control upgrades. The charges will save 59 metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. The system got grants of $250,000 from the Illinois State Board of Education Energy Efficiency grants and $11,217 for lighting retrofits from the Illinois Clean Energy Communication Foundation.

Environment + Energy Leader