Companies and state agencies have another tool to help estimate and analyze emissions from their trucking fleets, cars and other mobile emissions sources now that the EPA has issued its MOter Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES2010) program.
The free software, which updates MOBILE6.2, is available for download here.
Until now, the MOBILE6.2 program was used in most states, except for California, which has its EMFAC2007 model.
MOVES2010 helps estimate emissions from volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), direct particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) and other pollutants and precursors from cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buses.
The new model more easily incorporates in-use data from a wide variety of sources, such as data from vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs, remote sensing device (RSD) testing, certification testing and portable emission measurement systems (PEMS).
The MOVES2010 program can express emissions output as either total mass in tons, pounds, kilograms, or grams, or as emissions factors, such as grams-per-mile or grams-per-vehicle.
Environmental Defense Fund recently highlighted how three major companies - Carrier, Novo Nordisk and Poland Spring - are reducing their fleet carbon dioxide emissions.
If best practices were adopted by all businesses across the nation, it would help reduce the more than 15 metric tons of CO2 emitted annually per vehicle with more than 3 million vehicles in corporate fleets.
For instance, Carrier, a global manufacturer of air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems, has reduced its fleet emissions by 30 percent through a variety of strategies that include gathering data from telematics equipment and reducing vehicle weights. The company is also saving $1 million each year in fuel costs.