Envision Charlotte Going National


charlotte-energy-manageThe Obama administration has chosen Envision Charlotte as the model for the Envision America energy efficiently program, according to The Charlotte Observer. The city will host a boot camp on January 10 for selected cities.

Envision Charlotte launched in 2011. The goal was to reduce energy in its uptown area by 20 percent in the five ensuring years. By June 2015, the city achieved reductions of 16.1 percent in 61 buildings, which saved $17 million. City facilities have cut energy use by 30 percent.

Participating companies in Envision Charlotte are Duke Energy, Charlotte Center City Partners, Cisco, Verizon Wireless, the U.S. Green Building Council, Intelligent Buildings and UNC Charlotte.

The Charlotte Business Journal reports that a 35 percent tax credit for solar and other renewables in the state of North Carolina is on the way out. The tax credit will end due to a compromise between Republicans in the state House and Senate, who have agreed to end the program on December 31.

Environment + Energy Leader