'Environmental Fugitives' List Launched By EPA


epafugitivesbig.jpgA new EPA Web site includes photos of fugitives accused of violating environmental laws and evading arrest. The site includes summaries of their alleged environmental violations, and information on each fugitive’s last known whereabouts.

The alleged violations include smuggling of ozone-depleting substances, illegally disposing of hazardous waste, discharging pollutants into the air and water, laundering money and making criminally false statements.

One of the 23 current fugitives is Mauro Valenzuela, 39, a former mechanic for Sabertech. Among his several charges, Valenzuela is alleged to have illegally transported hazardous materials on a commercial aircraft. In 1996, Valenzuela allegedly transported waste oxygen generators onboard ValuJet flight 592 without proper markings and other safety measures. The jet crashed, killing all 110 passengers and crew onboard. Valenzuela failed to appear in federal court nine years ago.

Environment + Energy Leader