EnerNOC Improves Utility Bill Budgeting


enernoc-logo-energy-manageEnerNOC released the latest version of its enterprise energy intelligence software, which includes enhanced visibility into real-time energy costs and patent-pending algorithms enabling energy managers and financial decision makers to make more accurate budget accruals.

Traditionally, companies have had to manually estimate accruals and rely on average blended rate unit costs, which ignore the oftentimes dramatic impact that peak demand charges can have on total costs, says EnerNOC.

For example, many customers took a financial hit from the surprise impact that last year's Polar Vortex had on energy budgets. Getting that information 45 days after energy is consumed is just too late, says EnerNOC. The latest software maps overall consumption data and peak demand data to a customer's specific utility tariff, resulting in accurate cost accruals that replicate a customer's final bill.

The release also includes real-time and day-ahead index price, or locational marginal pricing (LMP), for several US regions, which enterprises can view in 30-day increments for budget planning and to manage exposure to market price risk. EnerNOC's software provides alerts related to index prices, indicating to users when prices cross a certain threshold and allowing time to take action to reduce costs and further mitigate risk.

Environment + Energy Leader