ENERGYai Powers PG&E's Share My Data Service


energyaiENERGYai is participating in Pacific Gas and Electric’s Share My Data service, which is a program enabling corporate customers to examine usage data to find ways to save energy and costs and to cut CO2 emissions.

The program is essentially a remote energy management system. It enables PG&E customers to examine usage data divided into 15 minute intervals to find unusual or helpful patterns. Share My Data’s Green Button Connect My Data technology securely saves the data. A customer logs onto its portal and authorizes ENERGYai to access the data, which is delivered two to four hours later via email.

An example of the savings possible is a small office building found that some equipment was needlessly running on nights and weekends. The company had wasted 450 hours of running time, which cost about $9,000. A simple change was made and further waste avoided.

Building management helps companies cut costs in three ways, according to an article in Triple Pundit that was reported upon by Energy Manager Today. It can identify malfunctioning or inefficient equipment; provide a fuller picture that can lead to operational efficiencies and use mobile apps to perform timely management tasks from anywhere.

Environment + Energy Leader