Energy Star Certified Dehumidifier Introduced


Innovative DehumidifierInnovative Dehumidifier Systems has released an Energy Star certified version of its IW25-1 dehumidifier.

The Energy Star version – The IW25-2 Energy Star -- uses 23 percent less power and 35 percent less maximum absorbed current than the original model. This reduces energy costs by about one-third. The IW25-2 Energy Star makes developers and builders eligible for points for participating in LEED and EarthCraft projects. The company says that the family of dehumidifiers is the first designed specifically for multifamily homes.

The release says that the IW25-2 Energy Star also features upgrades and improvements independent of energy use, according to the company.

Transparency Market Research recently released a study on the worldwide dehumidifier market. The research – which spans from last year to 2020 – says the market will reach $2.97 billion by the end of the study’s term. That is more than a $1 billion increase from 2013, when the value of the market was $1.93 billion. The study found that demand for heat pump-based dehumidifiers is shrinking as energy efficient approaches gain in popularity.

Environment + Energy Leader