Energy Star Certifications in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania


Energy Manage Energy Star logoThree Buildings in Chelmsford, MA, have received Energy Star Certification from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), according to the Chelmsford Patch.

The town offices scored 77 out of 100 in the organization's ratings. This means that the structure performed better than 77 percent of the similar buildings in the EPA database. The cutoff for certification is 75.

Though the building made the cut, its score was 10 points worse than its score of a year ago. The reason, according to the story, is that the boiler now is being called upon to heat the neighboring fire station, which has no system of its own. The town office building has been Energy Star certified four times previously.

Byam Elementary (95) and Harrington Elementary (92) also were certified.

A bit to the south, a building in Allentown, PA, has been certified by Energy Star. Indeed, Two City Center in Allentown -- with a 93 rating – got the highest score in the Lehigh Valley. It was the tenth highest rated building in the state.

The story at says that Energy Stgar certified commercial buildings use an average of 35 percent less energy and release 35 percent less carbon dioxide.


Environment + Energy Leader