Well, we are finally out of the grips of cold weather. Your boilers can finally rest after a long and busy cold season. But remember, this is the time of year to examine your boiler system. So with that in mind, here are some maintenance tips to insure your boilers will continue to function reliably and properly and save you money.
Boiler Maintenance
Yes, investment. Little affects the bottom line (and those who administer it) more than suddenly having to shell out big bucks to replace a boiler with avoidable damage. So the first tip is to implement a regular maintenance and inspection program with a qualified contractor. Such a professional should come at least annually to inspect. Here are some of the items that should be checked at a minimum during the review:
When inspecting your boiler, remember to look for any signs of corrosion, overheating, or erosion, as well as any leaks from the boiler or external piping. These items can be signs that the boiler is not working properly and should be repaired immediately.
Marc Karell is the owner of Climate Change & Environmental Services. CCES technical experts can help you perform such site-specific evaluations of your energy equipment, which can reduce your risk of failure. Or we can take the longer view of your energy profile and recommend and implement cost-saving strategies. See our website: www.CCESworld.com for more information. Contact us today.