Energy One Criteria in University of Kentucky Building Upgrades


univeristy_of_kentuckyIn January, The University of Kentucky will ask the university's General Assembly to provide funding to upgrade buildings in the campus core, according to

The will be to create a $250 million fund comprised of $125 million in state bonds and an equal amount in agency bonds, philanthropy and cash from UK, the story says. As many as 19 buildings – most of which were built before 1940 – may be upgraded.

The renovations, according to the story, will focus on a number of items, including building codes and safety. Energy conservation also will be one of the criteria. The school had been criticized for demolishing buildings of historic significance.

Earlier this month, Northwestern University received the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 2015 Green Power Leadership Award. The university, which is in Evanston, IL, was only one of 11 winners of the award nationwide, according to the school.

Environment + Energy Leader