Energy Efficiency Program Saves Texas College $4.4M


midland college logo Energy ManageMidland College, in Midland, Texas, has completed construction of its multi-phased energy program with OpTerra Energy Services. The campus-wide sustainability improvements will help the college save $4.4 million in energy and operational costs over the next 15 years.

Midland College partnered with OpTerra in 2012 to design and deliver an energy savings plan based on current infrastructure needs and long-term projected growth. The college completed an LED retrofit and addressed building envelope and temperature control issues for the classrooms and residence halls. Prior to the LED retrofit, the college was replacing between 50 and 120 bulbs per week. The LED bulbs last three-to-five times longer.

The college also implemented an energy-saving cloud computing system. OpTerra virtualized 32 existing physical servers and migrated all existing data to new cloud-based servers. All server and hardware software, in addition to 24/7 monitoring capabilities, was configured and tested on-site at the Midland College data center. Coupled with training for all desktop users as part of the network connectivity upgrade, the college's new cloud-based system reduces IT costs and improves operational and energy efficiency.

Environment + Energy Leader