Investments in greenhouse gas emissions reduction technology that were funded, in part, by the Climate Change and Emissions Management Corporation from 2011 to 2016 will contribute more than $2.4 billion and add 15,017 person-years of full-time-equivalent employment to the Canadian economy, according to a Conference Board of Canada analysis.
Investing in GHG Emissions-Reduction Technology: Assessing the Impact also forecasts the impact on Albert’s GDP at $1.95 billion.
As part of Alberta’s climate change strategy, the CCEMC was established in 2009 as an independent organization with a mandate to reduce GHG emissions and help Alberta adapt to climate change. CCEMC estimates that, from 2011 to 2016, it will help contribute more than $1.3 billion to projects aimed at reducing GHG emissions.
These investments are mainly concentrated in Alberta. However, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia have and will also receive direct funding for projects.
Industries to benefit from this investment include the construction, manufacturing and commercial services industries.
In April 2014, the CCEMC invested $500,000 in advanced dialysis technology developed by researchers at the University of British Columbia could reduce the use of fresh water and carbon dioxide emissions generated during hydraulic fracturing.
Photo Credit: industrial plant emissions via Shutterstock