EMC Reduces Emissions-to-Revenue Ratio by 19%


emc-csr-flow2While overall emissions at global IT and consulting firm EMC have gone up as a result of increased business, the company has reduced its emissions per million dollars in revenue by 19 percent from 2005 to 2008.

The company has boosted electricity purchased from renewable sources nearly 25 percent from 2005 to 2007.

The company has worked to actively engage its employees about sustainability and energy efficiency. The above graphic illustrates the flow of EMC's CSR activities, from leadership down to "green teams" and "green champions."

Here are some details from the firm's CSR report, which can be downloaded here (PDF).

  • By 2012, EMC has pledged to reduce its GHG emissions intensity from U.S. facilities by eight percent below 2005 levels.
  • At its Cork, Ireland, campus, from 2005 to 2007, EMC has maintained GHG emissions at a level that is 10 percent below its annual allowance of 3,659 metric tons.
  • EMC Japan joined Team -6%, a voluntary initiative run by the Japanese Ministry of the Environment.
  • At its Westborough, Mass., data center, EMC has virtualized its servers, consolidated its storage systems, and made changes to the physical facility, resulting in a projected $13 million in power, cooling and floor space costs over the next three years, while reducing GHG emissions by 20,000 metric tons.
  • The EMC IT department automatically powers down all PC monitors after 15 to 20 minutes of inactivity.
  • At corporate facilities in central Massachusetts, EMC uses a shuttle to transport 2,000 people a day, thus minimizing the use of personal vehicles on and around EMC campuses and saving up to four tons of GHG emissions annually. The shuttle fleet went to hybrid vehicles in 2008, saving at least 780 gallons of gasoline per vehicle annually.

Here is a look at EMC's electricity use and use of renewable electricity across operating divisions.emc-electricity

Here is a look at EMC's emissions.emc-emissions

Environment + Energy Leader