Edison Energy Acquires Alfa Energy

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Global energy and sustainability advisory firm Edison Energy (DBA in Europe as Altenex Energy) today announced that it has acquired the international energy and sustainability consultancy Alfa Energy as part of its ongoing efforts to expand its decarbonization offerings.

The two entities are coming together to help the world's largest and middle-market corporate, industrial, and institutional clients set and meet robust sustainability commitments and navigate the choices and opportunities that are emerging from the global transition to a net-zero future.

Based in the UK, Alfa Energy has worked with some of the world's largest organizations to procure and manage their energy as they seek ways to meet their energy, sustainability, and technology needs. Alfa Energy has been a trusted Edison Energy partner for more than seven years, creating strong relationships among the organizations' leaders and team members through their mutual engagement with clients.

"With more global clients seeking ways to decarbonize their operations, the time is right for Edison Energy to expand its platform across the Atlantic, with service to 22 European countries," said Oded J. Rhone, CEO of Edison Energy. "During this time of turmoil in the energy markets, customers' needs are rapidly evolving. The combined capabilities of Edison and Alfa more fully position us to help our clients set and meet their energy and sustainability commitments in a timely and thorough manner."

As Edison Energy and Alfa Energy become one global company, its combined experience and expertise, technological capabilities, and local market intelligence will allow the advisory firm to help organizations achieve their strategic, financial, and energy and sustainability goals.

Environment + Energy Leader