Choice Greens salads from Dole Food Co. are being marketed in packaging that is made from 70 percent recycled materials and the company is using the brand as a way to highlight some green promotions.
The Choice Greens packaging also is produced using 50 percent solar energy, according to Dole. Some salads sold in the packaging include Sassy Baby Blend, Baby Garden Blend, Baby Arugula with Spinach, Baby Romaine and Baby Spinach with Tender Reds.
In a recent promotion with Hen House Supermarkets in Kansas City, Dole offered consumers who used a supermarket loyalty card the chance to win a Toyota Prius. The drawing occurs Earth Day, April 22. A green-colored Prius was put in a store's produce section, the car emblazoned with logos and other information about Dole's environmentally-friendly packaging.
The nearly $35 billion U.S. market for food and beverage packaging has ample opportunities for growth in sustainable packaging options, according to a new report.
A study suggests that, despite the economy, shoppers are more attracted to products with green or sustainable packaging.