Dunkin' Donuts Tries Out Cemtrex Climate Control System


dunkin-donuts.jpgCemtrex will provide four Dunkin' Donuts locations in Manhattan with its carbon dioxide-based Green Demand Control Ventilation (DCV) system.

The system monitors the changes in occupancy levels and adjusts accordingly, helping to optimize energy consumption for climate control (i.e., heating, cooling, and air conditioning).

Environmental studies have shown that savings using the system can be as high as $1 per sq. ft. annually for some buildings, said Saagar Govil, Green DCV Product Manager at Cemtrex.

In addition to the significant cost savings, those using the system will reduce their total CO2 emissions, Cemtrex said.

In October, Dunkin' Donuts opened its first LEED-certified location in St. Petersburg, Florida, featuring energy-efficient insulated concrete foam walls that reduce air conditioning use by about 40 percent.

Environment + Energy Leader