Dow Reduces Emissions for Styrofoam Process


StyrofoamDow expects a new technology for making Styrofoam products to help reduce its emissions, however the company isn't saying by what amount.

Dow has converted all of its North American manufacturing plants to a next-generation technology that creates the foam packing material without use of ozone-depleting agents, according to a press release.

Also, under the process, the product does not contain volatile organic compounds, or VOCs.

Dow expects that use of the Styrofoam as insulation in buildings could help reduce the 40 percent of U.S. emissions that come from structures.

The Styrofoam line of products recently received Cradle to Cradle certification.

Dow's Styrofoam brand extruded polystyrene foam insulation and Safetouch fiberglass-free insulation both earned silver certification. Basic certification was given to Styrofoam SIS structural insulated sheathing, Styrofoam brand spray polyurethane foam insulation (CM series) and Thermax exterior insulation.

Dow announced the arrival of the new foaming agent technology in December of 2007. The new process replaces HCRC 142b, which was being phased out under the Montreal Protocol.

Environment + Energy Leader