Don't Overlook Hidden Solid State Lighting Issues


LEDs-energy-manageSolid state lighting (SSL) offers significant and high profile advantages. However, according to a story at facilitiesnet, there are some hidden challenges and realities that may cut savings and, at the least, require attention from managers.

Some of the top items to which attention should be paid when considering LEDs and other SSL approaches:

  • The concentrated nature of SSL light can create intense points of light that reflect off a variety of surfaces. Thus, lenses, diffusers or use of indirect light may be needed.
  • Existing dimming controls may not work.
  • The long life of SSL devices makes it important to clean fixtures.
  • Quality of LED systems vary. Thus, careful research before buying is vital.
  • Controls that often are recommended or necessary for LED operations may moderate what appears to be impressive initial savings.

LEDs Magazine reports that Acuity Brands has acquired Juno Lighting from Schneider Electric. Juno, manufacturers of LED-based down- and tracklight fixtures for commercial and home applications, will expand Acuity’s inside LED lighting portfolio, according to the story.






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