Domtar Corp. has joined the Chicago Climate Exchange. The company has made a voluntary, legally-binding commitment to cut its absolute GHG emissions by 6 percent below its 2000 level over the next two years.
The company says it has reduced its use of fossil fuels by 21 percent from 2002 to 2007, increased its use of renewable energy by almost 80 percent and reduced 21 percent of GHG emissions over the same period.
Here is the company's latest Sustainability Growth Report (PDF).
In April, the company along with Procter & Gamble, joined the North America Forest & Trade Network and committed to phasing out all trade in wood from unknown, illegal and controversial sources.
Last year, at the Clinton Global Initiative, the company, along with Rainforest Alliance, Time and Gibson Guitar Corp pledged to spend $480 million over five years to promote better forest management in 60 countries.