Domino Sugar Pilots Carbon-Neutral Label


carbonfree-logo2Domino Foods is launching a line of sugar that is certified by CarbonFund as "CarbonFree."

Domino's sugar manufacturing is powered by the firm's own renewable energy facility, which uses sugar cane fiber and recycled urban wood waste to generate clean energy. The facility also provides electricity for tens of thousands of homes, according to a press release. Domino states that its facility, because it doesn't rely on fossil fuels, eliminates hundreds of thousands of tons of carbon dioxide annually, an amount equivalent to the emissions from 53,000 cars.

Using this manufacturing process, Domino was able to qualify for the CarbonFree label, according to the release.

According to MediaPost, Domino is for now marketing the product only in Florida and Georgia.

Here is a video of Domino's television commercial for the product.

Domino Foods also markets Florida Crystals, a natural/organic sugar product line that also achieved carbon-neutral certification.The Florida Crystals brand has been tied to efforts to conserve the Florida Everglades.

Environment + Energy Leader