Do Green Claims Work?


UL green claims reportCertified green claims are the most effective with consumers, according to a UL Environment research study that finds qualifying language adds to a claim’s effectiveness but there is still some confusion in the marketplace.

Under the Lens: Claiming Green outlines the role that certified claims play in adding to perceived brand value and reputation as well as the importance of clearly, credibly and simply communicating sustainability activities.

It finds consumers react negatively to claims with overly technical or generic language, and to claims that are logo only and lack qualifying language to provide context.

Business purchasers and influencers demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of problematic claims and also consistently identify certified claims as those worth a premium, the report says.

In the research, UL Environment surveyed more than 1,000 consumers, generating almost 42,000 head-to-head comparisons of various green product claims in the categories of home improvement, electronics, personal care and cleaning products.

UL Environment will host a free webinar Nov. 18 at 2 p.m. EST to review and discuss the findings.

A report published last month found 54 percent of Americans say they would like to buy brands that let them support well-being and sustainability in the coming year. Havas PR’s BeCause It Matters report examines how environmentally and socially responsible companies can connect more effectively with “conscientious consumers.”

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