DHL Analytical has improved efficiency by automating laboratory processes and eliminating paper with Labcore, John Dupont, general manger at DHL Alalytical, tells Poplar Solution’s Mark Ferrero.
In a Q&A, Dupont says the system has saved the company time and money, and made its systems more efficient and accurate.
“We really like Labcore’s efficiency. It is efficient in two ways. Its efficient in saving us time and it helps us keep things more accurate with less potential for error…The data that backs up all reports is available in an instant so if a customer calls in and says ‘Hey John, I don’t understand the results. Can you verify it is real?’ Within a few clicks of a button I can pull the data up and take a look. In the old days I would have to go back and manually have the secretary pull files and it may take a week or quite a bit of time. Now I can pull the answers almost instantaneously.”
Labcore also reduced the amount of server storage the company has to use, Dupont says.