Developers' Understanding of 'Sustainability' Varies


taylor-wessing-architecture2Those in the development sector have yet to come to a consensus on what "sustainability" means, according to the Taylor Wessing Sustainability Report.

While many developers are aware of sustainability, far fewer actually understand what it means, according to the report.

Most (57  percent) agree that the government should be the driver behind sustainability efforts. But 33 percent think that government is doing that for the wrong reason, namely, "to show the international community that we're playing our part."

This chart shows respondents' awareness of carbon emissions.


Spada conducted the survey for UK law firm Taylor Wessing, targeting over 5,450 individuals.  Over 800 people responded to the Survey, representing 550 UK-based companies, organisations and universities, and with over 100 responses in total received from each of the following sectors:

  • Investors and funders (107)
  • Developers (114)
  • Contractors (174)
  • Architects, planners and other technical advisers (185)
  • Commercial agents and other specialist advisers (102)
  • End users (146)

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