Delta Dental Racks Up Savings with Varied Environmental Efforts


As part of its "green program initiative," Delta Dental has stopped using disposable paper cups at its headquarters office, saving the company $30,000 annually. The company also has retrofitted light fixtures at its Mechanicsburg, Pa., location, which has yielded about $29,000 in energy savings.

Affiliated companies saved $167,000 as a result of several paper-reduction efforts, which included switching to an electronic annual report and eliminating carbon-copy forms and several other printed items.

Other environmental initiatives include building a "greener" facility in Georgia, switching its paper supply to save wood stock and reduce carbon emissions.

iReuse, a sustainability consulting firm, helped Delta Dental develop its company-wide environmental program, which also includes waste reduction and recycling measures as well as certifications for sustainable business programs such as ENERGY STAR and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED).

Environment + Energy Leader