Dartmouth College has upgraded the lighting in its newly renovated Leverone Field House to the Digital Lumens Intelligent LED Lighting System, achieving NCAA-required lighting levels and reducing lighting energy use by 75 percent.
The existing 1,000-Watt metal halide fixtures were replaced with LED high bay fixtures in the 91,000-sq-foot facility.
The Dartmouth LED system also includes Digital Lumens’ LightRules lighting management software, wireless networking, and integrated occupancy and daylight harvesting sensors in each fixture. Via LightRules, an on-site touchscreen kiosk allows coaches and event managers to select the appropriate lighting profiles for the many uses of the facility.
The lighting products, software and services used at Dartmouth are part of a new offering from Digital Lumens, SportsPack, which includes:
The SportsPack license can be used with up to 50 fixtures in a sporting application.
The field house managers at Dartmouth say that due to Leverone’s 60-foot arching roof and more than two acres of interior space, lighting the field house has always been a challenge, requiring over-lighting with high-wattage fixtures and constant re-lamping due to lamp source degradation. The new LEDs will save energy and reduce maintenance costs.