Announces CR Reporting Award Winners

Posted has announced the winners of its second CR Reporting Awards 2008 (CRRA '08). This year's winners include Vodafone, Virgin Media, Ecologic Designs, Novo Nordisk, Royal Dutch Sell, Coca-Cola and Co-Operative Group.

Touted as the only annual global awards for corporate responsibility (CR) reporting, the awards identify the best CR reports across nine categories. Vodafone Group took three awards this year for Best Overall Report, Relevance & Materiality and Credibility through Assurance. Other winners include Virgin Media for Best 1st Time Report, Ecologic Designs Inc. for Best SME Report, Novo Nordisk A/S for Best integrated report, Royal Dutch Shell plc for Best Carbon Disclosure, Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. for Creativity in Communications, and Co-operative Group Limited for Openness & Honesty.

All 26,000 registered users of were entitled to vote, and voting took place online between October 2008 and January 2009.

If your company wants to win a CR award, write longer corporate responsibility reports. That's a key finding from Spada's recent study on Environmental Reporting: Trends in FTSE 100 Sustainability Reports.

Environment + Energy Leader