Copper Peak Logistics Offers 'Carbon Neutral' Shipping


Copper Peak Logistics, a fulfillment and logistics provider for the wine industry, is now offering a "carbon neutral" shipping option. Under this program, which is being touted as the first in the industry, Copper Peak will cover the cost to offset carbon emissions associated with its consumer direct wine shipments.

The company will buy carbon offsets from San Francisco-based offset provider Village Green Energy.

So far three California wineries – Robert Sinskey Vineyards, PlumJack Wines and Venge Vineyards – are participating in the carbon offset program.

Wineries across the nation have been taking a stab at reducing their carbon footprint. Some are tapping the sun for energy, while others are shipping wines in lighter bottles. Clif Family Winery adds $0.25 per bottle to help offset CO2 emissions generated by the packaging and shipment of orders.

Environment + Energy Leader