Contract Wins: NASA, World Bank, US Navy, EPA


United Conveyor Corporation has won a contract for 11 Dry Sorbent Injection (DSI) systems, which include 41 Viper Mills (pictured). Dry sorbent injection technology removes SO2, HCl and SO3 acid gas emissions. UCC says its patented Viper Mill is the only mill developed specifically for dry sorbent injection, and reduces sorbent usage by 30 to 50 percent compared with as-delivered material. In an SO2 removal application, that equates to a $3 million annual savings over unmilled trona for a typical 500MW PRB unit at a 60 percent SO2 removal rate.

The US Navy has awarded CACI International a $43 million contract to provide analytical and programmatic services to support installation and environmental requirements. Under the contract, which is for one base year and one option year, CACI will provide services for the Navy Region Marianas (Guam) and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific, the Air Force, which includes Hickam Air Force Base, and other Department of Defense and federal agencies.

Toho Water Authority has selected Orica Watercare’s MIEX Treatment to reduce disinfection by-product (DBP) precursors from the groundwater at the utility’s Harmony Water Treatment Plant in Osceola County, Fla. The utility expects the new system to be operational by early summer 2013. In a pilot test, MIEX Treatment reduced the levels of organic carbon in the raw water by about 80 percent, reduced sulfide concentrations by about 90 percent and, when implemented in a full scale operation, will allow the Harmony plant to resume use of free chlorine for disinfection, maintaining consistency with the utility’s 17 other water treatment plants, according to the Toho Water Authority.

A subsidiary of Foster Wheeler’s Global Engineering and Construction Group has been awarded a contract by the World Bank to provide carbon capture and transportation consulting services in China. The value of the award was not disclosed and will be included in Foster Wheeler’s third-quarter 2012 bookings, according to the company. Under the contract, Foster Wheeler will work to strengthen the carbon capture and storage and transportation know-how of the China Power Investment Corporation, one of the largest power producers in China, and of relevant government institutions.

NASA has selected a proposal from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass., to build the first space-based instrument to monitor major air pollutants across the North American continent hourly during daytime. The instrument, to be completed in 2017 at a cost of not more than $90 million, will share a ride on a commercial satellite as a hosted payload to an orbit about 22,000 miles above the Earth’s equator. The investigation will for the first time make accurate observations of tropospheric pollution concentrations of ozone, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, formaldehyde and aerosols with high resolution and frequency over North America, NASA says.

The EPA has awarded a more than $8 million contract to Eurofins Eaton Analytical to provide water quality testing services to communities with populations below 10,000 people. The company will provide testing services for small systems according to the Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Regulation 3, a federal monitoring requirement sponsored by the EPA as part of a program that investigates chemical, radiological and microbiological contaminant occurrence, in an effort to characterize threats to drinking water.

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