Contract Wins: Ball, Lockheed Marin, John Deere, Schneider Electric, Xylem, Fuel Tech


Ball logoBall Aerospace & Technologies has been awarded a contract from the Korea Aerospace Research Institute to build the Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) for the National Institute of Environmental Research in South Korea. GEMS is a geostationary scanning ultraviolet-visible spectrometer designed to monitor trans-boundary pollution for the Korean peninsula and Asia-Pacific region. The spectrometer provides high spatial and high temporal resolution measurements of ozone, its precursors and aerosols. Hourly measurements by GEMS will improve early warnings for potentially dangerous pollution events and monitor long-term climate change, Ball Aerospace says.

Lockheed Martin has awarded battery manufacturer Saft a contract for delivery of e6T Li-ion battery systems for the engineering and manufacturing development phase of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program. The JLTV program will produce a family of fuel-efficient vehicles capable of performing multiple mission roles across a range of military operations. Saft will deliver 59 batteries to Lockheed Martin for vehicle prototypes scheduled for delivery during the 33-month engineering and manufacturing development phase, followed by a final competition after which a production contract will be awarded, around 2015. The Saft e6T Li-ion battery system features a lightweight design within the dimensions of a traditional lead-acid battery, enabling easy integration into the vehicle.

Water technology company Xylem has been awarded a $2.9 million contract from the Beijing Drainage Group to install Xylem’s Flygt pumps in 19 pumping stations in downtown Beijing. The Flygt submersible centrifugal sewage pumps will improve the stations’ water storage capability and prevent overflow by providing more efficient drainage and flood control, the company says.

John Deere has selected Schneider Electric to supply its online sustainability platform, Resource Advisor, to the agriculture machinery manufacturer. Resource Advisor, Schneider Electric’s enterprise-level StruxureWare software application, provides secure access to the data, reports and summaries that drive corporate sustainability and energy programs.

Fuel Tech has received two domestic air pollution control (APC) contracts with an aggregate value of about $10.5 million. Deliveries for both contracts are scheduled for the fourth quarter 2013. The largest of these orders, placed by a Southern utility, represents nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction projects on three coal-fired boilers. These projects will use Fuel Tech’s HERT (stands for high energy reagent technology) and NOxOUT selective non-catalytic reduction injection technologies. The second contract, placed by a domestic chemical company, is for an engineering release for a conventional selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system that will be installed on an industrial gas-fired boiler in order to keep the facility within its NOx permit limit while it undergoes a production expansion. The system includes the SCR reactor, flow mixing devices, ammonia injection grid, and aqueous ammonia feed system, each of which is key to optimal SCR performance.

Babcock & Wilcox Nuclear Operations Group has received a contract from the US Naval Reactors Program worth about $366 million for the procurement of material to be used in the assembly of nuclear propulsion components at B&W NOG’s Lynchburg, Va. facility. At this time, $75 million has been released to B&W, with the remaining amount expected to be funded over the next six fiscal years (2014-2019).

OriginOil, which has developed an energy production process for harvesting algae and cleaning up oil and gas water, has named Clean Water Technology to manufacture commercial-scale equipment for its performance-based water cleanup program. Under the agreement, OriginOil will supply Clean-Frac machines to oil and gas service companies on a pay-per-gallon basis. Each machine will be operated under a separate joint venture. Water resource engineering firm Pace will provide design engineering support. This allows service companies to achieve cost savings by recycling rather than trucking frack and produced water offsite, OriginOil says.

American Water and Steam Control have received a $1.8 million, two-year award from the Israel-US Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation to develop an advanced pressured management system. The research project intends to increase operational efficiency by reducing water waste. It will install modifications on existing pressure system controls that could reduce pressure in a system in response to reduced customer demand. International efforts to reduce leakage have confirmed that reducing excessive pressure not only reduces the volume of leaks through pipes but reduces the frequency of pipe failures, the companies say.

OPX Biotechnologies and Evonik Industries have entered into an agreement to jointly develop certain bio-based specialty chemicals. The agreement calls for OPXBio to use its proprietary efficiency directed genome engineering (EDGE) technology to develop the bio-processes. OPXBio will also be able to market bio-based products resulting from the Evonik collaboration.

Environment + Energy Leader