Connected LEDs Illuminate Warehouse


digital lumensThe bicycle parts distributor Quality Bicycle Products (QBP) outfitted its new Lancaster, Pennsylvania, warehouse and distribution center with Digital Lumens' Intelligent LED Lighting System.

The Digital Lumens system at the 122,000-sq-foot facility is comprised of smart LED-based high bay fixtures, which are fitted with integrated sensors and connected via a wireless network. The system also can integrate with numerous energy efficient systems and sustainable building techniques.

Digital Lumens LED lighting system has enabled QBP to:

  • Secure 85 percent (573,994 kWh) lighting-related energy savings over fluorescent alternatives considered.
  • Save 66 percent (401,650 kWh) over plain LED alternatives.
  • Reduce lighting load power to less than 0.4 watts per square foot.
  • Reduce fixture count by 30 percent from the original lighting design. Quality Bicycle Products currently has 176 fixtures deployed.
  • Secure E-Power rebates with PPL Electric Utilities.
  • Eliminate lighting maintenance costs from budget.

After working with Digital Lumens' representative, Illuminations, and electrical contractor, Lancaster Electric, QBP chose the Digital Lumens system for its energy efficiency, fully integrated occupancy and daylight sensing, and LightRules lighting and energy management software.

The Lancaster distribution facility also features other energy efficient systems, including high-volume/low-speed fans, a fully integrated HVAC system with BMS software that handles climate control, and advanced skylight technology that both captures and distributes light.

Environment + Energy Leader