ComEd Electric Company Delivered Record Reliability in 2022


CoMed (Credit: Exelon Company)

Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd), the electric company serving customers in northeastern Illinois, has continued to make investments in its power grid that have resulted in record reliability for customers. Since 2011, the company has avoided more than 19 million power outages for customers, saving more than $3.3 billion in outage-related costs. In 2022, 85% of customers - nearly 3.5 million - experienced zero or one interruption in service.

ComEd is a division of Exelon Corporation, a Fortune 200 company with approximately 10 million electricity and natural gas customers – the largest number of customers in the United States. ComEd powers the lives of more than 4 million customers across northern Illinois or 70 percent of the state's population.

The utility company recently filed multiyear grid and rate plans that outline grid work required to support the expansion of renewables such as solar and wind power and beneficial electrification for ComEd customers while maintaining and improving the system to continue the level of reliability customers have come to expect. The plans support the goals of the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) that Illinois enacted in 2021, including ensuring that under-resourced communities benefit from clean energy transition.

"With growing concerns about carbon emissions and air pollution, we are living in a world that will be increasingly electric," said Terence Donnelly, president, and chief operating officer of ComEd. "As people purchase more electric vehicles and appliances, and renewable energy like solar expands across our communities, we will continue to make necessary investments in our system to ensure we are ready to meet demand."

ComEd's Commitment to Community Investment

As a leader in the region's economic growth for decades, ComEd consistently provides access to clean and reliable power. Recently, the company brought 28 commercial projects online, including 12 data centers, representing 6,800 jobs and more than $3 billion in local investment.

According to a recent company analysis of 25 peer U.S. energy companies with approximately 1 million customers or more, families and businesses served by ComEd experienced fewer power outages on average than customers of any comparable electric company for a fifth consecutive year in 2021, based on industry-standard measures for reliability.

Environment + Energy Leader