Clif Family Winery Adds $0.25 Per Bottle To Offset CO2 Emissions


clif_family_winery.jpgClif Family Winery partnered with NativeEnergy to launch Green My Shipment, which adds $0.25 per bottle to help offset CO2 emissions generated by the packaging and shipment of orders.

The winery says all the proceeds will go to support the Cascade Sierra Solutions Trucking Efficiency Project, which helps independent truck owners or operators improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions and other pollutants generated by ground freight transport.

Fetzer Vineyards recently switched to lighter weight glass to cut shipping costs and be more environmentally friendly. The winery’s new bottles are on average 14 percent lighter, with the 750-milliliter bottles now weighing 15.5 oz. when empty.

Wineries such as Constellation Wines, Frog’s Leap, Foster’s Wine Estates, Jarvis, and Robert Keenan, have installed solar systems in a move to be more green.

Environment + Energy Leader