As a sign that companies once again view clean tech as a solid investment, a quarterly record of 274 U.S. clean energy patents were granted in the second quarter of 2009.
The biggest growth was in fuel cells, wind and solar.
Honda once again applied for more patents than any other entity, according to a press release from Heslin Rothenberg Farley & Mesiti PC.
The 274 patents in the most recent quarter is up 31 from the previous quarter and up from 217 patents in the same quarter last year.
There were 43 patents granted each for fuel cells and wind, while the solar sector achieved 36 grants.
Honda alone applied for 14 fuel cell patents and three for hybrid/electric vehicles.
GM came in second, as a corporation, with 12 patents in fuel cells and three for hybrid/electric vehicles.
Toyota had seven fuel cell patents and five for hybrid/electric vehicles.
The top non-automobile company, GE, applied for nine wind patents and two fuel cell patents.
Since 2002, Honda and Ford have been the leading firms involved in achieving new clean tech patents.