City Picks UtilityTRX for Utility Bill Management


UtilityTRX Dashboard-Driven Bill Management SoftwareThe City of Huntsville, Alabama, has selected UtilityTRX as its utility bill management and data analytics software for more than 100 buildings that equate to over 1.5 million square feet.

UtilityTRX features utility bill tracking, bill payment processing, automated bill audit, case management, benchmarking, utility data analytics, rate optimization, weather normalized savings enterprise reporting, metering analytics, greenhouse gas tracking and Energy Star scoring.

The City of Huntsville is currently competing for the $5 million Georgetown University Energy Prize, and UtilityTRX will play an integral part in providing Huntsville its efficiency tracking reports for that competition.

Some systems integrations will be involved. UtilityTRX will be providing Huntsville staff with meter analytical interfaces using data collected from Honeywell WEBS-AX Metering. Looking to the future, UtilityTRX will be working toward streamlining utility bill payments through Tyler Technologies Accounting System (used by Huntsville). Huntsville's building energy data will automatically be submitted to the Energy Star Portfolio Manager for scoring.

Environment + Energy Leader