Cisco Saves $3M By Cutting Emissions, Waste From Supply Chain


cisco.jpgIn Cisco's latest Corporate Social Responsibility Report, the company reports that it has saved more than $3 million by reducing waste throughout its global supply chain.

The company saw the most cost savings from using less paper, saving at least $1.2 million a year and 2.7 million sheets of paper by converting paper documentation to CDs.

By changing the format and reducing the font size in required printed material, the company was able to save about $ 1 million in printing costs and 22 million sheets annually.

The company reported that it has recycled 13 percent of the plastic used in the production of its IP phones, resulting in annual savings of $880,000.

In FY08, the company reported recycling about 10,200 metric tons of electronic materials, a 44 percent increase over last year's performance according to Cisco.

Cisco is aiming to reduce its absolute GHG emissions by 25 percent from 2007 levels over the next four years – with the help of technologies it's created. Here are some green innovations taking place at Cisco.

Earlier this year, the company launched a pilot program to give each department within its business a carbon quota.

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